DIVERS - A wand'ring minstrel the mikado (sullivan) DIVERS - Alabama hoe down (hamilton) DIVERS - Amazing grace DIVERS - Animal fair DIVERS - Aupres de ma blonde DIVERS - Bill groggin's goat DIVERS - Boll weevil boogie DIVERS - Bridal song intermezzo (goldmark) DIVERS - Caprice no.24, 27 [paganini, niccolo] DIVERS - Chiapanecas DIVERS - Chicken reel DIVERS - Echoes of vienna DIVERS - Espana (waldteufel) DIVERS - Farandole (l'arlesienne suite no.2) [bizet, georges] DIVERS - Hava nagila DIVERS - He's got the whole world in his hand DIVERS - He's got the whole world in his hands DIVERS - Hesitation waltz (gliere) DIVERS - Hungarian march (the damnation of faust) [berlioz, hector] DIVERS - I am the very model of a modern major-general (the pirates of penzance DIVERS - I have a song yeomen of the guard (sullivan) DIVERS - I love thee [grieg, edvard] DIVERS - In the garden (goldmark) DIVERS - Jazzy little brown jug (martin) DIVERS - Jesu, joy of man's desiring (cantata bwv 147) [bach, johann sebastian] DIVERS - Joplin gems (joplin) DIVERS - Let's all be friends again DIVERS - Little rhapsody on gypsy tunes (martin) DIVERS - Lovely evening DIVERS - March of the toys (babes in toyland) [herbert, victor] DIVERS - Marionette's funeral march (gounod) DIVERS - Michael finnigan DIVERS - Morning has broken DIVERS - Music box rag (agay) DIVERS - Nola [arndt, felix] DIVERS - Polka italiana (denza) DIVERS - Rise and shine DIVERS - Romance op.44 [rubinstein, anton] DIVERS - Row, row, row your boat DIVERS - Serenata rimpianto (toselli) DIVERS - Slavonic dance no.10 [dvorak, antonin] DIVERS - Sleeping beauty op.66 [tchaikovsky, pyotr ilyich] DIVERS - Sonate au clair de lune (moonlight sonata) DIVERS - Strolling at loch lomond (martin) DIVERS - Sweet betsy from pike DIVERS - Sweetly sings the donkey DIVERS - Swiss hiking song DIVERS - Tarantella napoletana DIVERS - Tell me why DIVERS - The baroque period DIVERS - The big rock candy mountain DIVERS - The washington post [sousa, john phillip] DIVERS - This old man DIVERS - Viejo romance [heller, stephen] DIVERS - Vive l'amour DIVERS - Waltz (faust) [gounod, charles] DIVERS - Waves of the danube [ivanovici, josif] DIVERS - When the saints go marching in DIVERS - Zweig' und aste (cantata no.205)