RUTTER - A gaelic blessing MORGAN - A palm sunday antiphon MENDELSSOHN - Above all praise PALESTRINA - Adoramus te, christe GIBBONS - Almighty and everlasting god FORD - Almighty god, wich hast me brought MOORRE - Antiphon BYRD - Ave verum corpus ELGAR - Ave verum corpus MOZART - Ave verum corpus BACH - Awake, thou wintry earth HARRIS - Behold, the tabernacle of god WESLEY - Blessed be the god and father WISE - Blessed is the that considereth DAVIES - Blest are the pure in heart FARRANT - Call to remembrance PITONI - Cantate domino HARRIS - Come down, o love divine ATTWOOD - Come, holy ghost THATCHER - Come, ye faithful CROTCH - Comfort, o lord, the soul of thy servant JOHN IV - Crux fidelis GIBBONS - Drop, drop, slow tears GARDINER - Evening hymn STANFORD - Glorious and powerful god DAVIES - God be in my head RUTTER - God be in my head BENNETT - God is a spirit GOSS - God so loved the world ARCADELT - Haec dies FARRANT - Hide not thou thy face HARRIS - Holy is the true light TCHAIKOVSKY - Holy, holy, holy GOSS - If we believe TALLIS - If ye love me VICTORIA - Jesu dulcis memoria BACH - Jesu, joy of man's desiring BACH - Jesu, lead my footsteps ever BAIRSTOW - Jesu, the very thought of thee BACH - King of glory, king of peace WESLEY - Lead me lord MUDD - Let thy merciful ears, o lord VAUGHAN WILLIAMS - Let us now praise famous men LEY - Lo, round the throne a glorious band BRUCKNER - Locus iste HAENDEL - Lord, i trust thee FARRANT - Lord,for thy tender mercy's sake CARTER - Mary's magnificat HOWELLS - My eyes for beauty pine OXLEY - My shepherd is lord PARRY - My soul, there is a country WOOD - Never weather-beaten sail MORLEY - Nolo mortem peccatoris CARTER - O lord, open thou our lips PICCOLO - O come, let us sing unto the lord BOURGEOIS - O gladsome light, o grace TYE - O holy spirit, lord of grace VAUGHAN WILLIAMS - O how amiable WESLEY - O lord my god LOOSEMORE - O lord, increase my faith ARCADELT - O lord, my god to thee MUNDY - O lord, the maker of all thing JOUBERT - O lorde, the maker of all thing VICTORIA - O quam gloriosum GOSS - O saviour of the world SOMERVELL - O saviour of the world BENNET - O that i knew where i might find him WOOD - O thou, the central orb WOOD - Oculi omnium SAINT-SAËNS - Panis angelicus SCHUTZ - Praise to thee, lord jesus HOW - Praise, o praise STANDFORD - Pray that jerusalem PURCELL - Rejoice in the lord alway DRESE - Round me falls the night BYRD - Sacerdotes domini PALESTRINA - Salvator mundi MATHIAS - Salve regina ASTON - So they gave their bodies LEIGHTON - Solus ad victimam BACH - Subdue us by thy goodness LASSUS - Super flumina babylonis PHILIPS - Surgens jesus BAIRSTOW - The day draws on with golden light SHEPHARD - The secret of christ MARCHANT - The souls of the righteous LEY - The strife is o'er GIBBONS - This is the record of john WESLEY - Thou judge of quick and dead PURCELL - Thou knowest lord GREENE - Thou visitest the earth WESLEY - Thou wilt keep him iin perfect peace BAIRSTOW - Though i speak with the tongues of men HOLST - Turn back o man ATTWOOD - Turn thy face from my sins WESLEY - Wash me throughly MENDELSSOHN - When jesus, our lord ECCARD - When to the temple mary went SCHUBERT - Where thou reignest HAENDEL - Zadok the priest
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